
January Glossybox 2024

Oops, I did it again…I am so behind with these posts that I seem to be struggling to motivate myself to catch up. I got to the new year and then gave up again but I’m back…I should have made it my new year’s resolution to stay on top of these posts! Anyway, here is…

December Glossybox 2023

Hurrah, I have finally made it to the end of 2023 (as we are almost entering May 2024)! I always love the December boxes as they are usually different designs and full of products you can use during party season! This year was no different and I loved the tin with it’s pink and gold…

November Glossybox 2023

Okay, we are getting there…almost at the end of 2023 now! Again, this such a delayed post that I will just quickly go through everything I received in my November box and what I thought of the products (though I will say just now, this was a pretty damn good box). Starting strong with make-up,…

October Glossybox 2023

Oh jeez, I have really dropped the ball with these posts haven’t I? I’ve been a busy wee bee this year but I’ll get caught up eventually. I’ll just do a quick rundown of October’s box seeing as it was so long ago, though the products were rather fabulous and subscribers received an extra treat…

September Glossybox 2023

Well, it’s been a while hasn’t it? Apologies for my absence, life got in the way for a few months but I’m back and have a few posts to catch up on! My last Glossybox post was in August so it makes sense to start back with September’s box. I’m not going to lie, I…

August Glossybox 2023

Well that was a very wet and windy August…I think I could count on one hand the number of sunny days we had in Scotland. August’s Glossybox theme was Bold and Beautiful with three box designs which were just that! Bold, block colours…I received the pink, yellow and blue design which was a fun alternative…

July Glossybox 2023

And here we are again, not long after my June post, I have managed to pull myself together and get another one done before the month is out! July’s Glossybox theme is Summer Escape and has us dreaming of far away places and exotic holidays. Glossy subscribers will receive 6 items in this month’s box…

June Glossybox 2023

Oops, this is a very belated June post…I wish I could say I have just been too busy to keep on top of it but in reality, I just lost track of time. Better late than never though right? Anyway, June’s Glossybox’s theme was ‘Fresh Breeze’…which is ironic as there was nothing fresh and breezy…

May Glossybox 2023

Wonders will never cease, I’ve managed to write a post before the month is up! A new month means a new Glossybox and the theme for May is City Glow…I feel we are slightly clutching at straws here…does anyone get a glow from the city? I feel it gives off more clogged pores and dull…

April Glossybox 2023

Spring is finally here! Although as usual, the Scottish weather has been keeping us on our toes…there have been a few glorious days though and I am loving the lighter nights! Glossybox’s theme this month is ‘Bloom & Grow’, inspired by nature and allowing ourselves to grow and flourish…okay, a bit airy fairy for me…


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