Gift Guide 2022 – Fashion

It’s that time of year again where we have to start thinking about Christmas (eeeep so exciting). I had quite the reaction to last years gift guides and if anyone is struggling as much as I am then hopefully this might give one or two ideas! I’m starting with fashion as it is definitely oneContinue reading “Gift Guide 2022 – Fashion”

Life is Short…Buy the Bag!

Hello, my name is Kirsty and I’m a shopaholic…High street, designer and everything in between…accessories are my kryptonite! I have a borderline obsession handbags, shoes, belts…pretty much any kind of accessory and I have waaaayy too many (but really, is there such a thing?). This post is going to focus on handbags and my absoluteContinue reading “Life is Short…Buy the Bag!”

Jewellery…A few of my favourite things!

Jewelry is like the perfect spice – it always complements what’s already there. Diane Von Furstenburg I love jewellery…gold, silver, fine, costume, it doesn’t matter, I want it all. Jewellery can make such a difference to any outfit, whether it is dainty and classic to in your face slabs of gold. Plus I love toContinue reading “Jewellery…A few of my favourite things!”