January Glossybox 2024

Oops, I did it again…I am so behind with these posts that I seem to be struggling to motivate myself to catch up. I got to the new year and then gave up again but I’m back…I should have made it my new year’s resolution to stay on top of these posts! Anyway, here is January’s Glossybox (only 6 months late, no biggie). As usual, the theme for January was all about resetting and recharging yada yada, lets just get to the contents of the box!

Continue reading “January Glossybox 2024”

December Glossybox 2023

Hurrah, I have finally made it to the end of 2023 (as we are almost entering May 2024)! I always love the December boxes as they are usually different designs and full of products you can use during party season! This year was no different and I loved the tin with it’s pink and gold design. But without further ado, let’s just see what was inside…

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November Glossybox 2023

Okay, we are getting there…almost at the end of 2023 now! Again, this such a delayed post that I will just quickly go through everything I received in my November box and what I thought of the products (though I will say just now, this was a pretty damn good box).

Continue reading “November Glossybox 2023”

October Glossybox 2023

Oh jeez, I have really dropped the ball with these posts haven’t I? I’ve been a busy wee bee this year but I’ll get caught up eventually. I’ll just do a quick rundown of October’s box seeing as it was so long ago, though the products were rather fabulous and subscribers received an extra treat that month so the box definitely still deserves it’s own post!

Continue reading “October Glossybox 2023”

September Glossybox 2023

Well, it’s been a while hasn’t it? Apologies for my absence, life got in the way for a few months but I’m back and have a few posts to catch up on! My last Glossybox post was in August so it makes sense to start back with September’s box. I’m not going to lie, I can’t remember the them so I’ll just go straight to the products!

Continue reading “September Glossybox 2023”

August Glossybox 2023

Well that was a very wet and windy August…I think I could count on one hand the number of sunny days we had in Scotland. August’s Glossybox theme was Bold and Beautiful with three box designs which were just that! Bold, block colours…I received the pink, yellow and blue design which was a fun alternative to the usual pink. Were the products inside as punchy? You’ll have to read on to find out…

Continue reading “August Glossybox 2023”

July Glossybox 2023

And here we are again, not long after my June post, I have managed to pull myself together and get another one done before the month is out! July’s Glossybox theme is Summer Escape and has us dreaming of far away places and exotic holidays. Glossy subscribers will receive 6 items in this month’s box (yep, an extra treat this month), all of which are suitable for taking on your holidays, wherever that may be. There are alos 3 box designs this month, all from previous editions (and all equally pretty). So, let’s see what this month has to offer…

Continue reading “July Glossybox 2023”

June Glossybox 2023

Oops, this is a very belated June post…I wish I could say I have just been too busy to keep on top of it but in reality, I just lost track of time. Better late than never though right? Anyway, June’s Glossybox’s theme was ‘Fresh Breeze’…which is ironic as there was nothing fresh and breezy about June – EL SCORCHIO! Though July has been wet and breezy enough for both months put together! The box design was a fun blue and white design rather than the usual pink and as always, was packed with lots of goodies!

Continue reading “June Glossybox 2023”

May Glossybox 2023

Wonders will never cease, I’ve managed to write a post before the month is up! A new month means a new Glossybox and the theme for May is City Glow…I feel we are slightly clutching at straws here…does anyone get a glow from the city? I feel it gives off more clogged pores and dull skin vibes, but who am I to judge? Anyway, this month subscribers can expect to find products prepped and ready for a summer in the city and whether I agree with the theme or not, I am always up for receiving new products.

Starting with make-up (always my fave), we have the Le Rouge Francois Cream Blush (RRP £25). I’ve only just starting getting along with cream blushes and I was pleased to see this in the box, especially as the packaging is super chic. The formula is plant based and the consistency is super soft, creamy and blendable. At first, the super bright pink was a bit alarming but thankfully it isn’t as intense on the skin and I love the pink flush it gave…you can also wear this on lips which was also nice but I prefer to just wear this as a blush.

Moving on to skincare, I received the MonoSkin Firming Fiji Facial Oil (RRP £29.95). This oil contains Hazelnut, Patchouli, Rose oil and claims to smooth, hydrate and firm skin as well as adding radiance. I love a face oil so this was another product I was pleased to see. I applied this as I would any other oil and mixed it with my night cream before bed. I liked the consistency, it applied smoothly and my skin was left feeling super soft and moisturised…I also loved the light scent, perfect for bedtime. A definite keeper!

Another skincare product I received in this month’s box was the Fresh Soy Cleanser (Full sized RRP £32). I have tried a few products from this brand before and have been impressed, so looked forward to giving this a go (I think I may have used this before but honestly, I can’t even remember). Made from natural ingredients such as cucumber extract, rose water and soy proteins, this cleanser claims to dissolve make-up, remove impurities and improve skin elasticity. I found this to be really gentle and it removed all my make-up, including around my eyes without causing any irritation. My face felt fresh and clean without feeling tight…not the most luxurious, but definitely a goodie.

Next out the box, we have the Kueshi Coconut Shower Gel (RRP £25). I love shower gels and I love coconut so this was already a winner for me! I haven’t been able to find out any info about this product so you’ll just have to go with my experience! This shower gel has a nice, light coconutty scent…very summery (although personally I prefer a stronger aroma). It lathered up nicely and left my skin feeling soft and clean as well as smelling fresh. The packaging is also very cute…no complaints here other than I’d like a bigger tube!

Last but definitely not least is the Umberto Giannini Banana Butter Repair & Restore Leave-In Conditioner (100ml RRP £5.75, 200ml RRP £9.95). This vegan and cruelty free product claims to moisturise, de-frizz, repair and add shine, however it is aimed at those with curly hair which is the complete opposite of mine. I applied this to damp hair and then styled as usual (do not rinse out), although I definitely used too much as my hair felt a bit heavy and didn’t look great. However, I tried again and used just a teeny amount which seemed to do the trick…my hair felt soft and smooth, although I wouldn’t say there was a noticeable difference in shine. It is very strongly scented which I wouldn’t usually mind but banana isn’t my favourite, so this was a bit much for me. All in all, an alright product, just not for me…it does have great reviews though so it may be better for those with curly locks.

And there we have May’s Glossybox…I’d say this was a winner for me. I loved pretty much everything…especially the cream blush and the face oil. The only product I wouldn’t purchase is the leave in conditioner but purely because I don’t think it is the best for my hair type, however, I will still use it until it’s finished! A much better box than last month, GB is back on form and I am here for it!

If you want to join Glossybox, you can get £5 off your first subscription with the code KIRSTY-R25

Until next time,


April Glossybox 2023

Spring is finally here! Although as usual, the Scottish weather has been keeping us on our toes…there have been a few glorious days though and I am loving the lighter nights! Glossybox’s theme this month is ‘Bloom & Grow’, inspired by nature and allowing ourselves to grow and flourish…okay, a bit airy fairy for me but I can see what they are trying to do. Glossybox have provided us with a brown box with a pretty plant design rather than the usual trademark pink and as usual there is a variety of products inside.

I’ll start with what I originally thought was a skincare product but actually turned out to be a hair product (thankfully I discovered this before I used it). The Christophe Robin Cleansing Purifying Scrub (see, sounds facially) (Deluxe Size RRP £9). This scalp scrub contains sea salt, which is described as a natural exfoliator that cleanses, removes impurities and restores balance. I followed the instructions and applied this as a shampoo and then followed with my usual conditioner. I did find it left my hair feeling squeaky clean and not necessarily in a good way but after applying conditioner or a hair mask, my hair did feel pretty amazing…very soft and clean. I don’t have dandruff or issues with my scalp but I still felt this was a very good product and I think it would be great if you use a lot of product in your hair.

Sticking with the hair theme, we have the Brushworks Scalp Massager (RRP £7.95). This isn’t a product I would usually use…in fact, it would just clutter up the bathroom (much like some of the other accessories that are living in there rent free and unused). Anyway, I gave this a go for research purposes…apparently this massager can remove product build up and stimulate blood flow to encourage hair growth. I initially wasn’t sure if this was to be used on wet or dry hair and after reading up on it, I’m still no further forward…so I tried both. For wet hair, I applied shampoo and then used this to massage it in…which felt nice but also quite unnecessary. For dry hair, I basically just massaged my head which actually did feel very nice, particularly if my hair had been tied up all day, much better than the usual flimsy head massagers! No idea if it helps with hair growth and I feel it is a bit of a gimmick but I will probably use this for a little head massage from time to time.

Next up is another tool, though this time for the face, the Magnitone Wipeout Swipes (RRP £8 for 2 pack). Now this must be around the third time I have received these along with a number of other brands, so I now have reusable pads coming out of my ears…needless to say I was disappointed to see these in yet another box. However, I can’t deny it, these are actually brilliant…these microfibre cloths can remove a full face of make-up with just warm water and then just be chucked in the wash, ready to use again. If you haven’t tried these yet, you definitely should, heck, I have so many now I could send you a pack!

Moving on to make-up, we have the Beautaniq Beauty Great Lengths Mascara (RRP £18). This claims to thicken, lengthen and curl lashes for a voluptuous look. I have previously tried the Nourishing Mascara from this brand and found it didn’t give my lashes enough oomph, so I wasn’t holding out much hope for this…however, I was pleasantly surprised. First of all, I liked the large brush which coated my lashes well and didn’t feel too thin and flimsy. I will say that one coat didn’t give much of an impact but after the recommended three coats, my lashes did look longer and fuller. Not my favourite mascara but I’ll use it for more natural make-up days.

Last but certainly not least, my favourite product from this month’s box…the Nails Inc Nail Polish in shade Mayfair Lane (Deluxe Size RRP £11). This is a pretty pale shade of pink, perfect for Spring. The colour glides on and one coat could be enough (but two just makes it perfect), I love it, I love it, I love it and will definitely be using this for the Spring/ Summer months…who am I kidding, I’ll use this shade all year round.

And there we have March’s offering. I wasn’t overly excited with this month’s box as I don’t know how much use I will get from the hair tool and I already have a million reusable pads…however, I loved the nail varnish and was pleasantly surprised by the mascara so I will definitely be using them again.

If you would like to join Glossybox, you can get £5 off your first box with the code KIRSTY-R25

Until next time,

K x